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Niteangel Knockoff - Wooden Hamster Cage for Syrian Hamster (39.4"L X 19.7" WX 19.7”H) Acrylic Hamster Cage without Accessories
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BUCATSTATE Hamster Cage Metal 3.0 - Small Animal Habitats Large Stackable with Top and Front Access. Easy Assemble
Two Sizes:
47L x 23.6W x 24.4H = 1081 square inches or
39.3L x19.7W x 20.4H = 774 square inches
Amazon Wishlist for more
Wheels to put under the cage sold separately.
Medium: MDF Aspen Terrarium (39.4 x 19.7 x 19.7 inches ) 741 sq. inches
Large: recommended (47.2 x 19.7 x 23.6) = 929 sq. inches
Amazon Wishlist for more
Best water bottle! Cheeks has used them for years. You can attach with magnets to glass or plexiglass cages. Amazon has them under the name Oasis and Petsmart has it under the Full Cheeks branding. Magnets are on the amazon wish list.
The lid pops off so you can peek in to see your hammy! I prefer houses that are a little taller like this so they can build a big nest with more air flow.
Lid pops off so you can check on your hamster and use the top of the house as a platform for bowls or treats!
Soft and Safe! Small Pet Select Unbleached White Paper Bedding, 56 L, Model Number $28
This is what Cheeks uses and the sales are pretty good! You will need the 85 litter size to start. (I do not recommend the compact bedding that says low dust as the main bedding. You can use it to sprinkle color with though!)
11 - 12 inch preferred! Bigger is Better! Size large is the 11" which is fine. Extra Large is 12.8 inches. Use the Niteangel wheel platforms. They fit all sizes. We have had these wheels for years with no issues.
They need a normal wheel as the primary but they LOVE the saucer for extra enrichment.
It's a little pricy but it's a LOT of cute. They have other great accessories by this brand as well.
Hamster Sand Bath Container Small Animals Shower and Digging Bathroom Toilet, Ceramics Honey Pot Bathtub
*We are Amazon Affiliates and make a small commission to help support this educational site
Cheeks and Squeaks Hamsters
The current wait is approximately over 1 year. The demand is much higher than Cheeks can make babies :)
The applications system is temporarily closed until we can catch up on the wait list.
If you are interested in rescues, Snow White's Rescue Cottage in Camarillo and Hamster Rescue in Santa Ana (on instagram) are a great option.
Xoxo, Cheeks