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Your new hamster needs to get familiar with you and your family! Even though they are tame and handled by us regularly, they need to get familiar with all the new people in their forever lives.
The playpen is a perfect tool for you to sit with your hamster and allow them to safely interact with humans without fear of being lost. As you can see in the pictures, we use the play pen for our adopters to meet meet and safely handle their new hamster pup. (Otherwise do not use them outdoors) The playpen is also a great way to let your hamster out of their cage and play with different wheels and other toys.
These make a great playpen! Take each panel and zip tie them together in the corners--viola! This can be set up as a very large play pen and will allow at least 2 people to sit in the pen with the hamster. When you're done, it can easy be folded away. (Recommended)
Nylon Ball Pits:
These are not recommended due to the fact that they can chew out of one in a blink of an eye.
If you can't or don't want to buy a playpen, you can use your bathtub! Plug the drain, put a blanket down inside, and add a wheel + toys. You can interact with your hamster by sitting inside (great for young children) or kneeling from the outside.
Cheeks and Squeaks Hamsters
The current wait is approximately over 1 year. The demand is much higher than Cheeks can make babies :)
The applications system is temporarily closed until we can catch up on the wait list.
If you are interested in rescues, Snow White's Rescue Cottage in Camarillo and Hamster Rescue in Santa Ana (on instagram) are a great option.
Xoxo, Cheeks