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Cheeks and Squeaks Hamsters was established in 2016.
However, we started learning long before we started breeding. We were also lucky enough to start with great breeding stock and knowledgeable experts helping us--we wouldn't be there without them!
Nope, we stick to Syrian hamsters only. We think it's a pretty rare person that is knowledgable enough in multiple species to breed them well. We don't think we could do it!
Yes, indeed! Julianna at Strong Brew Hamstery is our mentor, and we work alongside Hubba Hubba Hamstery, Poppy Bee Hamstery and Holmden Hill Haven. We also occasionally get advice from Linda Price of AAA Hamsters (retired).
We ARE the California Hamster Association! Together with Monica of Happy Paws Hamstery, and a few other key members, we keep the California Hamster Association alive. We host 1-2 hamster shows per year and attend the OC Pet Expo annually. We'd love to see you at one of these events!
Unfortunately, no. If you don't end up adopting from us, we urge you to do your homework and find another breeder you trust. There are lots of people out there that breed for the wrong reasons! If you need help evaluating a breeder, please visit this article from the California Hamster Association.
We got the bulk of our starting breeding stock from Linda Price of AAA Hamsters when she retired. We also brought in some hamsters from Zika Hamstery and Holmden Hill Haven. As of 2019, we have imported hamsters from Germany, Netherlands and the UK.
Never! Love was a rescue that we pulled from a pet store because hairless hamsters are so misunderstood. It's a common misconception that hairless animals do not suffer--they do. Hairless hamsters in particular have issues with skin sensitivity, temperature fluctuations, and increased risk of other illnesses. The major problem is that females cannot lactate. Unfortunately, some people see hairless hamsters as a quick buck and buy them from pet stores so they can breed more and sell them--they do not understand that the babies will slowly die of starvation because the mother cannot provide milk. For all of these reasons, we do not condone the breeding of hairless hamsters.
Hydrocephalic are all pets only. We keep them because they have special needs that often go untreated in the average home. They stand as ambassadors of ethical breeding because their deformities. Without breeders like us and our friends, pet mills would take over and continue breeding sick animals like them.
Cheeks is located in Foothill Ranch, Ca.
No, we don't! We run this shin-dig out of our very own loving homes. That's why all of our hamsters receive tons of love and attention!
Sorry, but no. For our personal safety, we only conduct business away from our homes. Additionally, our baby hamsters are fragile and we can't have lots of people touching them because of their tiny, new immune systems. We conduct all reservations through photos, videos, and recommendations.
Unfortunately not. Because we love our hamsters so much, we take the time to breed them with kindness and compassion. We wait until they're ready and we know that all the babies will have homes to go to. To do this, we maintain a waitlist. So fill out our application and we will add you to it!
Rodents, and all mammals, can only be shipped via air. The cost is prohibitively expensive, and it does take a great deal of time and planning. For this reason, we do not ship hamsters except to other breeders we know and trust.
We know that life happens. If at any time in your hamster's life you find yourself unable to care for your hamster, just contact us. We will work out a solution that is best for both you and the animal. Sometimes that means short term care, other times, that means the hamster stays with us or goes on to another home. Whatever the answer is, we will find it together.
Males that are a part of our breeding program may be asked to come back to us every so often. We do this with your convenience in mind. If a weekday pairing is going to be best, we will ask to pick up your male on a Saturday or Sunday and return him the following weekend. If we can schedule a weekend pairing, we will just borrow your little guy overnight. Sometimes, this means a super fun pizza-and-ice cream party in our homes where you can see the inner workings of how we do things. Whatever is best for both you and us, we will work it out!
Nope, and frankly, we think that idea is really lame. There is no such thing as a "rare" color. Sure, it might be uncommon to see a rust hamster in a little town on Krypton, but that doesn't mean it is rare. It also doesn't take any more money, time, or expertise to breed a certain color or coat type--just the right genes. We firmly believe that truly exceptional animals should be held back for breeding and that all others should be allowed to go to great homes with no barriers, such as price, in the way. If you'd like to learn more about our stance on this, this article explains it beautifully.
Perhaps! We always make sure our retired females are in their best possible environment--whether that's with us or with a special adopter. If you think that could be you, shoot us a message!
Cheeks and Squeaks Hamsters
The current wait is approximately over 1 year. The demand is much higher than Cheeks can make babies :)
The applications system is temporarily closed until we can catch up on the wait list.
If you are interested in rescues, Snow White's Rescue Cottage in Camarillo and Hamster Rescue in Santa Ana (on instagram) are a great option.
Xoxo, Cheeks